The Free Astrology Forecast Returns: Apologies for the Absence

I apologize for being absent for so long, both here and at my blog, and this is to let you know that I am once again writing the Free Astrology Forecast, and other astrology and related content, for my readers and subscribers.

I hope you will continue to subscribe, to read upcoming content, because we need astrology more than ever to make sense of what’s ahead.

One thing I know for sure: Life events conspire to keep us away from what we love—sometimes for many years. Digging out from under the burdens of responsibility, duty and a false sense of self requires patience, discipline and faith. Sometimes it is many years–the length of time it takes for big astrological transits—before it can be understood, what had to happen to bring in needed change and often, new life.  

Astrology offers humans a way to understand life cycles and timing:  our lives on Earth unfold against a backdrop of our solar system’s planets, as they appear to travel through the more distant constellations of the Zodiac. There are enduring, inevitable and predictable patterns to this movement that offer humans a way to understand life, make meaning, find purpose and see our human experience–and our painfully short lives–in a more compassionate, constructive and helpful way. This is the gift of astrology.

We are entering a time of very different astrological energy, with new challenges to the human family which we may not survive–it depends. I will continue to write about astrology and tarot, both as it impacts us personally—in the Free Forecast—and collectively—in short essays about the astrology of our civic life, and cultural and political events.

Thank you for your continued interest.

Author: Clareannette

I love working and making art in the Sonoran Desert!

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