Blog Posts

Uranus Retrograde 2023: If You Break It, You Own It

Revolutionary Uranus is a big slow moving planet that retrogrades once a year. This year Uranus is at 23 degrees of conservative, earthy Taurus—it stations to go retrograde August 28 and 29: if your Sun, Moon or Ascendant is in Taurus or one of the other 3 Fixed Signs—Leo, Aquarius or Scorpio—there’s a good chance you are feeling pressure to make some big changes at this time.

In work, relationships, creative projects, career path, family patterns—it’s feeling time for a revolution. Especially if your birthday is in the last 10 days of the 4 fixed signs—check the link to Zodiac Sign dates, at the bottom of this forecast, to see.

When things end during Uranus transits, they tend to be big epic breaks: burnt bridges. Humans do not tend to recover well from abrupt endings. There is pressure now to break free but proceed with caution: if you break it, you own it.

Everyone has Uranus, and the sign it rules—Aquarius—in their star chart: the annual retrograde impacts everyone—these days are a bit more intense, because for some around us, things are coming to a head. Like the other invisible distant planets Pluto and Neptune, Uranus symbolizes deep psychological and —subconscious processes at work in our lives.

Uranus symbolizes the human drive to express our unique individual nature—and to celebrate human freedom and champion humanitarian causes. Uranus wants freedom and individuality—but at any cost, and can engage in selfish, chaotic, unpredictable behavior—perhaps you’ve been in a relationship with someone like that.

Right now rebellious Uranus is in an easy angle to fighting Mars in busy Virgo: lots of potential to get tied up in futile, selfish projects, but excellent for focusing on long-term projects what are win-win for everyone involved—laser-like focus in the right direction can go far now. Solutions to complex problems are possible now with just a bit a creativity, which is suddenly available as Uranus slows down to a stop.

Out-there Uranus is also in easy aspect to communicating Mercury at home in the sign it rules, practical but anxious Virgo: Mercury is spinning backwards, so it’s things from the past or things you might have missed the first time around that come up now. Or dreams. Uranus in easy aspect to Mercury means times are ripe for dreams—those of you receptive to this type of communication may have strong or important, meaningful dreams during this time.

Both Mercury and Venus are retrograde now. Things do not easily move forward, when these personal planets are retrograde. With Uranus now stationing to go retrograde, and adding to intensity/confusion, I would advise against trying to launch any big moves right now. Plan, review, edit and most importantly: prepare. But moving forward is for a few weeks down the road.

Uranus is about breakthroughs: often in the weeks leading up to an annual Uranus retrograde there will be new discoveries. These can be personal discoveries. They can be collective. Uranus is technology and the future; but Taurus is no futuristic Zodiac sign, it’s the sign of Civil War re-enactors, archaeology, banks, bubble baths and all things sensual, the health and beauty industry, and people given the label arch-conservative like Tucker Carlson.

In fact, the phenomenon of Taurus Tucker Carlson is a good example: he was fired (Uranus) from his huge-salary (Taurus) job at Fox and then immediately (Uranus) re-invented himself (Uranus) on Twitter (Uranus). Last week, as the Uranus started it’s annual retrograde slow-down, Carlson’s Twitter interview of the former president Trump had huge ratings compared to the Fox cable-TV Republican debate aired at the same time: the new ways for political commentary (Uranus) outperformed legacy (Taurus) methods. Tucker Carlson’s birthday falls within the last 10 days of Taurus: he is very impacted by the current transit of shocking Uranus over his self-esteem Sun.

Thanks for reading, peace out, more news about your personal astrology soon!

Mercury Retrograde Virgo August 2023

On August 23rd thinking Mercury, in the busy sign of Virgo, stops its forward motion and goes retrograde for the next 3.5 weeks. When the communicating planet stops to change direction, that’s when we really have SNAFUS: travel delays, car problems, breakdowns, hangups, mix-ups and communication logjams. Trying to move forward, when the traveling planet is moving backwards, takes longer when Mercury is retrograde.

Until the end of the retrograde–September 15th–it’s a good time to look at your life in an edit-and-review mode. Catch up with people you’ve lost touch with, rather than try and forge new relationships–it’s not the time for that now. Anything you try to start or launch will just…get off to a very delayed start.

Other good ideas for your focus these next 3.5 weeks: clean up old stuff, organize old stuff, edit and rework existing projects–anyone who is a creative, who makes things, knits things, paints things, gardens things…has unfinished projects. Quilters call them UFOs–the unfinished object. What unfinished projects can you wrap up now?

Mercury in smarty-pants Virgo is a strong thinker—so, be aware that you may find yourself actually thinking more than usual this retrograde, and feeling more anxious because of the extra thinking. Try to ground yourself with exercise, gardening, swimming, baths, breathing exercises, yoga, walks, anything in nature, birdwatching, meditation, time with pets and animals, physical labor–do not let your mind run away with you.

Viewing the chart above, one sees a few things that will make this retrograde more confusing for many–so again, refer to the suggestions above to stay grounded. Mercury goes retrograde at about the same time the Sun changes from fun-loving Leo to less-fun, more guilt-ridden, more thoughtful and definitely more busy Virgo: you may suddenly realize, as this change happens, that you’ve been having a bit too much fun during the last 4 weeks of Leo party-mode and now…lots to get done.

When the Sun moves into busy Virgo, it immediately forms a 180 degree opposition to disciplined Saturn. Saturn is the taskmaster of the Zodiac—when the fun Sun faces serious Saturn….it feels like time to get to work.

Another issue: fighting Mars in perfectionist Virgo knows no limits in it’s futile pursuit to make everything just right—and this retrograde, the fighting planet muscles itself into an easy angle with manipulative Pluto in authoritarian Capricorn. Lots of room to force some issues. Pluto currently is wrapping things up in disciplined Capricorn: this super slow moving planet is retrograde in the sign of government through January 2024. With Mars in Virgo through August 27, watch for authority figures trying to either force things on you–that’s Mars/Pluto–or, authority figures trying to hoodwink you—that’s Mars/Pluto/Neptune. Neptune is corrosive like poisonous gas. We think of Neptune as dreamy and spiritual, which it is–but it erodes confidence, as well: it bestows no self-esteem. If you feel weak and dissipated now, it makes sense.

In closing, don’t be surprised if you hear from old friends, find something you’ve forgotten or misplaced, or somehow become re-aquainted with the past…..these are common themes during Mercury retrograde cycles. All planets in astrology appear to go retrograde–in fact this coming weekend, another planet—revolutionary Uranus— stations to go retrograde, which it does once a year.

More soon on Uranus retrograde.

Peace out and keep following the stars.

New Moon in Leo 2023: Forecast for All Zodiac Signs

Life-of-the-party, warm and extroverted Leo can be brash, pushy, bossy and demanding of attention: think drama when you think Leo.

On the plus side, Leo teaches the lesson of self-esteem—they know they are worth something. The rest of us…often….that confidence does not come as easily. Lusty Leo is ruled by the Sun—Leos know the Sun is always shining, somewhere, hence their sometimes annoying upbeat way of looking at things.

On August 15 and 16, the New Moon this month is in loyal Leo….these two days maximize receptivity to self esteem and how energizing it is. Feel esteemed or esteem others, if you can—your intentions lead to creative and positive unintended consequences.

August 15 and 16 are quirky—expect unexpected things to come up—freaky Uranus in values-oriented Taurus squares this love-of-life Leo energy. Something new needs to shake up your status quo—it may be that you need to get in touch with how good it feels to be you: you are good enough, you are worthy—revolutionary (Uranus) thoughts!

This New Moon is a good time to appreciate, validate and express your true, real self to yourself and others! Feel your value–and, feel that others love your value, too, if you dare to share something authentic and creative about yourself with someone you love, care about or have in your orbit for one reason or another.

My enthusiasm for this New Moon is bittersweet–this is the last time we will have a New Moon in Leo–or any lunation in Leo–that will feel this relatively free and easy for 20 years.

Why? In 2024 powerful Pluto begins a 2o year transit through the detached sign of Aquarius. For 20 long years every Leo lunation will be tinged at best and dominated at worst by the heavy hand of the most manipulative and dark planet, Pluto. Leo doesn’t like to be bothered by dark, nasty Scorpio–the Pluto ruled sign that squares Leo. So Leo really is not going to like it when Pluto is in the sign opposite Leo, Aquarius. Plus will darken at worst or inconvenience at best all the sunshine, adoration and love Leo is accustomed to….for 20 years.

So enjoy this Pluto-free Leo New Moon

And==maximize this New Beginning: all New Moons are a new beginning. This month, intentionally sow seeds of self-love and self-esteem—these are welcome gifts to many who struggle with poor self-worth or shame.

Get your best Lion-game on, cultivate that inner roar and intentionally dig into some appreciation of whatever it is you do–start there. And then if there is someone you love, or someone you would like to be closer to, maybe get things off the ground by sharing something about yourself that is unique, creative, that you love and appreciate. Enjoy feeling the warmth of being loved for who you are—one of the gifts of Leo.

Full Moon in Scorpio Lunar Eclipse 2023

Expect to feel some rough waters in the days surrounding the Full Moon in Scorpio on May 5th. Here’s what you need to know when you are feeling a bit verklempt. To find out the dates of your Sun Sign click Sun Sign Dates

Unpredictable Uranus is close to the Sun and Moon this Full Moon—surprises are likely, so, whatever seems to come out of nowhere at you, just ride through it. Being able to detach from any crap that comes up this week is key to feeling better—Uranus rules detachment, so use this planet’s super-power for yourself. Also—be open to the unexpected: while shocks, and surprises, are often unwelcome, with this lunation there is the potential for true “Eureka” moments.

If you are a Fixed Sign—Leo, Aquarius, Taurus, Scorpio—you are more likely to feel the surprising nature of this full moon. Thinking Mercury in fixed, status-quo Taurus is retrograde—when Mercury moves backwards, we are reviewing and revisiting things. The communication planet is moving backwards in conservative Taurus—challenging manipulative Pluto in rebellious Aquarius: thoughts and words are intense when it comes to towing the line, something Taurus likes to do—Aquarius, not so much. With this full moon, repressed and controlled feelings are likely to erupt in speech.

Meanwhile…Lovey-dovey Venus in gets-bored-easily Gemini squares delusional, idealistic Neptune in dreamy Pisces during this Full Moon. What does this mean? Good question—because neither planet knows!! We want to act on our ideals, and believe what we’re seeing. Maybe what you think is super important is actually a lot of foggy nonsense—this energy makes it easy to be confused, or fooled, especially fooling yourself. That said, ideals are strong during these days—and Uranus is all about breakthroughs, and since that energy is the dominant theme of this lunation, some will say screw it and finally take action about an idealistic belief or situation.

Gemini and Pisces are Mutable signs, as are Sagittarius and Virgo—If you are a Mutable Sign, and your birthday is the last week of your sign, you are very impacted by this square and may feel unusually tired, dissipated, out of it… or just generally confused in the days around this Full Moon.

Avoid gambling and speculation in the days around the full moon is a good idea, with Venus (money) squaring illusion (Neptune).

Finally, the Cardinal signs of Cancer, Libra, Capricorn and Aries are not exempt—this Full Moon, fighting Mars in moody Cancer is challenging expansive Jupiter in me-first Aries: in astrology, whenever Cancer and Aries square each other, it’s emotionally fraught. Mars being the action planet stirs up watery feelings and sensitive issues and wants to cuddle; trailblazing, selfish Aries slams a few doors on its way out to its next conquest. If you are a cardinal sign and your birthday is the last week of your sign, you may feel more tearful around this Full Moon. A good antidote to the exuberance of Mars Cancer/Jupiter Aries transits is some hard physical labor, work or exercise—it’s the only way to make Mars tired and thus less likely to make waves.

This Full Moon is an eclipse—so it’s a more powerful Full Moon.

May is going to deliver some very powerful astrology around mi-month—See you then to write about the very potent Jupiter-Pluto square and the New Moon and Mercury going direct. Peace out.

The Free Astrology Forecast Returns: Apologies for the Absence

I apologize for being absent for so long, both here and at my blog, and this is to let you know that I am once again writing the Free Astrology Forecast, and other astrology and related content, for my readers and subscribers.

I hope you will continue to subscribe, to read upcoming content, because we need astrology more than ever to make sense of what’s ahead.

One thing I know for sure: Life events conspire to keep us away from what we love—sometimes for many years. Digging out from under the burdens of responsibility, duty and a false sense of self requires patience, discipline and faith. Sometimes it is many years–the length of time it takes for big astrological transits—before it can be understood, what had to happen to bring in needed change and often, new life.  

Astrology offers humans a way to understand life cycles and timing:  our lives on Earth unfold against a backdrop of our solar system’s planets, as they appear to travel through the more distant constellations of the Zodiac. There are enduring, inevitable and predictable patterns to this movement that offer humans a way to understand life, make meaning, find purpose and see our human experience–and our painfully short lives–in a more compassionate, constructive and helpful way. This is the gift of astrology.

We are entering a time of very different astrological energy, with new challenges to the human family which we may not survive–it depends. I will continue to write about astrology and tarot, both as it impacts us personally—in the Free Forecast—and collectively—in short essays about the astrology of our civic life, and cultural and political events.

Thank you for your continued interest.