The June 10th Gemini New Moon Solar Eclipse: Breaking Points Emerges and Rises in The Charts

Last Thursday June 10th, the day of the New Moon Solar Eclipse, I was listening to my favorite new podcast, Breaking Points, featuring Krystal Ball and Saagar Enjeti, previously of The Hill. The New Moon Solar Eclipse was at 19 degrees of chatty Gemini, a degree of the Zodiac very relevant to the hosts of Breaking Points, something which may explain their sudden success—as well as their future role in covering hidden and concealed news stories.

New Moon Solar Eclipses always involve endings and beginnings. The Breaking Points hosts had a big ending and a new beginning for sure—and their courage and consequent success may augur more Mainstream Media endings and more beginnings for indy news media.

I pulled up the chart of the eclipse (above) in response to the Breaking Points coverage of the June 8th Tax Revelations story, by the good people at ProPublica. The impact of a solar eclipse starts about 4 weeks before the event, and it’s impact extends a full year. Thursday’s eclipse in Gemini—the sign that rules the news cycle—involved not just the 2 biggest and significant lights in the sky, the Sun and Moon, but also quick and communicating Mercury, the planet that rules Gemini, emphasizing the role of media and messaging. On Tuesday the 8th—the day the ProPublica story broke—the ever-changing moody moon entered fast-talking Gemini. The ProPublica story will be continue to grow and be very significant for the following year, until the next Solar Eclipse in the summer of 2022.

As I nerded out on the chart, I listened to Krystal and Saagar express awe, gratitude and excitement about their sudden success: after 2 episodes, their podcast was at the top of the news charts, superseding even Pod Save America. Just a week earlier, they had bravely left corporate media to independently pursue their dreams–driven by their desire to speak freely: no choking corporate collar, leash or muzzle. They asked all their fans for support, and they got it in ways they could not imagine. As I listened to Krystal talk, I could hear this lovely tone in her voice, one rarely heard these days in the news: a subtle ring, but one with perfect pitch–the sound of speaking her truth.

In Washington, D.C. Thursday’s solar eclipse in newsy Gemini landed in the 12th house—often referred to as the house of endings, this is where secrets, clandestine affairs, hidden institutions and the dark underbelly of life live in the horoscope. The 12th house is a house of endings because these grubby and unsavory matters—once they are exposed—lead to endings in our life. All Zodiac signs, and the houses they rule, exist on a continuum and one can express their energies by taking the high road or the low road. When expressed in a wholesome and healthy manner, the 12th house reveals hidden strengths and hidden things of value–as well as the people who can find and appreciate those things. People with a well-supported 12th house, for example, can often find that hopelessly lost object—my teenage nephew has a strong 12th house and he once found my beloved lost earring in a snowbank on a city street in Wisconsin.

With this huge Tax Revelations story from ProPublica, we are going to need brave people with a microphone to light our way and speak out against the corrupt status quo so that the rich pay their taxes, finally, and so the story is not buried—we need a new News Media, not the old Mainstream News Media that is simply a mouthpiece for the rich and powerful. Breaking Points and it’s emergence during a New Moon Solar Eclipse will be essential in furthering the ProPublica Tax Revelations narrative in the news cycle–as well as giving a precedent, a platform and a leg-up for others in the independent news media.

Getting back to the Breaking Points podcast…something about the sound of freedom in Krystal’s voice made me look up her date of birth online, and Saagar’s as well. And I could see immediately how their break with Rising was destined, how their sudden success is quite understandable, and how it is likely they will be a big part of helping us stay informed in the volatile times ahead . I bet if I had their actual birth data it would be crystal-clear (ha ha)– when significant events happen to someone, like, say, a sudden and explosive break with a prior employer and a new start on a fledgling news program….that type of change can always be seen in multiple re-in forcing patterns in the star-cart. That just one leg of this pattern is visible with just simple dates of birth alone speaks to how revolutionary this experience is personally to both Saagar and Krystal—and how revolutionary it is for us, the news-consuming collective, as well.

Krystal was born 11/24/1981, with fighting Mars in detail-oriented Virgo at 19 degrees–in the star chart below, it’s the red planet at 2 o’clock. Click here to see a cheat-sheet of astrological glyphs including Mars.

Krystal Ball

Saagar was born April 21, 1992 and is a hot-headed Aries–his Mars is also at 19 degrees, but in the hopelessly disorganized sign of Pisces.

Pisces and Virgo are polar opposites–both need each other to be whole. Every emotionally overloaded Pisces needs to learn the lesson of Virgo discernment; and all perfectionist Virgos need to learn the Pisces lesson to let go and trust the universe. When two people meet and their Mars’ oppose each other, the energy they share is dynamic–they are resolving the dilemma of opposites, how to be separate and together at the same time, and in the case of Saagar andKrystal, how to flow and discern at the same time. Like how light is a particle and wave at the same time. Mars opposite Mars is not romantic–that would be Mars opposite Venus. It’s dynamic. And that surely would be Krystal and Saagar.

In the chart below Krystal and Saagar’s charts are compared/contrasted and if you look for the Mars glyph, you can see the 19 degree–19 degree Mars opposition at roughly 2 o’clock and 8 o’clock.

At the top of this story I mentioned that Thursday’s New Moon Solar Eclipse occurred at 19 degrees of Gemini–this degree forms a 90 degree right angle, or square, to Krystal’s Mars at 19 degrees Virgo and Saagar’s Mars at 19 degrees Pisces. It’s as though Krystal and Saagar were happily in their own one-on-one world like Principal Skinner below….and then they got T-Boned by a giant Solar Eclipse.

Squares are challenges–they are not 180 degree oppositions that have something in common and something to resolve. The New Moon Solar Eclipse in Gemini challenged Krystal and Saagar’s way of working and taking action (Mars)–the only healthy and productive solution to a big, fat, juicy square like the one they both experienced is to figure out a work-around for the problem that the square produces.

Not to make your head hurt, but the next image is 3 charts: Krystal, Saagar, and the New Moon Solar Eclipse in which the Gemini planets involved in eclipse exactly square Krystal’s Mars and Saagar’s Mars.

New moons happen every month; solar eclipses happen every year; and solar eclipses in communicating, intellectual Gemini happen once every 20 years. New Moons are new beginnings–the old moon dies to give us a fresh new start. A New Moon Solar Eclipse is like a New Moon on steroids. Collectively, I think this New Moon Solar Eclipse showed us not just the beginning of a huge news story about the hidden truth about our unjust tax system—it showed us the beginning of a new, successful broadcast-news-type enterprise in the form of Breaking Points, the type of show needed to accurately cover important breaking stories like the one from ProPublica: one that reminds us and re-introduces us to the real purpose of a functioning Fourth and Fifth Estate—to question, explore and hold accountable those in power.

The 2021 Inauguration: An Astrology Forecast for All Zodiac Signs

For the video forecast click here.

The US Civil War skies compared to our current milieu are strikingly similar—You can read more about how this impacts you personally here.

The 1861 US Civil War and The 2021 US Inauguration: Same Astrology, Same White Supremacy…Same Outcome?

U.S. Civil War—Day One, 1861

The star chart above is for the US Civil War. Here we see big-government Saturn squaring a tight conjunction between fighting Mars and revolutionary Uranus. This explosive constellation alone cannot be seen in isolation: it is part of the larger star pattern and destiny of that time. But it sure can seen as a serious threat—and a harbinger of explosions: the planets involved are the most powerful and willful in all the Zodiac. Mars and Saturn in particular are symbolic of the war machine when they clash—as they are now.

So check this out, the same explosive constellation is present today—stern, authoritarian, police-and-military ruling Saturn is squaring a conjunction of head-butting, gun-firing Mars and rebellious, screw-you Uranus:

January 12, 2021

This started January 6th, at 5pm Washington DC time, right as the US Capitol Riot was quelled. Because of the timing, this square speaks to continued violence and crack-downs related to the substance of the riot until Mars moves well past Uranus in several weeks and out of the sign of Taurus entirely early March. This square is not the same square that brought us the actual riot, which had a different astrological mechanism (more on that here).

In the uncertain days since the Storming of the US Capitol, the roiling anger of President Trump’s base, combined with the increasing assertion of White Supremacy by White Americans is clear, visceral and breathtaking in it’s enduring horror. It is not surprising that the stars today look like they did 160 years ago.

What does this mean for you personally? In astrology nothing is “bad” or “good”—the energy from the stars is a continuum from shadow to light—it is our choice how we engage with it. Just as Scorpio can be a scorpion or a dove, we can choose the low road or the high road. For example, this stressful aspect between Mars/Uranus and Saturn can lead to ingenious mechanical solutions, inventions, engineering and work-arounds in our daily lives—it’s the McGyver aspect. It’s the breakthrough aspect—creative breakthroughs, US Capitol breakthroughs: as I said, it is a continuum. What do you need to break-through in order to get out, get to the other side, to be free of whatever has you chained? And if you are breaking through some personal obstacle and running into opposition, what is stopping your momentum?

This contellation of Mars/Uranus and Saturn is very rare—and that is another reason to proceed with caution, expect the unexpected and take the January 6th Insurrection seriously.

I looked at star charts for the USA from 1861 to the present….the only other time we even came close to what we are dealing with now was in May 1953 at the height of the Cold War, Jim Crow and McCarthyism. Then, gaslighting, dissolving Neptune was merged with Saturn as it squared warrior Mars and man-the-barricades Uranus—the Cold War was a fuzzier, foggier and vaguer kind of conflict. Still deadly—but not clear. The Russians were an invisible enemy, communists were invisible among us and Black Americans were brutalized by fascist Jim Crow structuresand regulations that were invisible to White Americans—until Whites were confronted with images (Neptune rules photos) on TV. Though it could be argued that the structural inequities Black Americans face remain invisible to Whites to this day—it is the conceit of the privilege. Without Neptune present to moderate in 1953, the McCarthy Era would likely have been more overtly violent than it was.

Until now, we have always had peaceful transfers of power. For the first time in 244 years that is off the table, and the January 6th transgression opens up more potential for violence. We are starting the Aquarian Age—the call for social justic and equal opportunity is getting louder, it is the call of the majority, and I believe it will prevail. It cannot be stopped—though the elites will try and it may look bleak at times. Expect strong pushback from the status quo—just as you can expect pushback from your own personal status quo if you are trying to change. And… it matters little: when aggressive Mars meets iconoclastic Uranus…and bad-cop Saturn puts up the hand…things blow up in response, or Eureka moments help us resolve the tension and slip free.

New Moon in Capricorn: What You Need to Know Plus More Astrology Videos for All Signs

Today is New Moon in Capricorn—watch the forecast here.

For more specific information for Pisces, Virgo, Sagittarius and Gemini click here—I took pains to be be clear, because the sign of Pisces right now has a very slow moving confusing planet in it—Neptune—and this planet is making all you Virgos, Geminis, Sadges and Pisces people unusually confused, tired, depleted, wrung out and out of sorts for the last month—feeling more adrift, less focused. Things will sharpen up—but not for a few months. Get into Spirit, mindfulness and do not chase after every detail.

For you Cardinal Signs—Capricorn, Libra, Aries and Cancer: click here for your forecast. The New Moon forms strong angles to these Zodiac Signs—listen more about what your specific challenges are now.

And for the Fixed Signs—Leo, Aquarius, Scorpio, Taurus. It’s all about breakthroughs and winds of change. Half the planets are now locked up in a square in these signs—you are simply going to have to change, Fixed Signs, and that is what you dislike the most. I touch on this in the New Moon video (above)—a separate video is in the works for you to address your unique challenges at this moment in chronological time.

Storming the United States Capitol: The Last Hours of Mars in Aries 2021

Storming the US Capitol January 6, 2021

Above is a star chart for 1pm yesterday in Washington, D.C. when a mob of White Americans—angered by allegations of election fraud by both corporate media and the US President (indeed spurred on by the President)—stormed the US Capitol from 4 directions, many with gas masks, all White and entitled. A very bad day for White people. The apogee of the Trump presidency. It was ugly. Not a lot of twinkle in the stars.

Most of the stars right now are locked in super tense aspects to each other with no way out—except to blow. Yesterday saw 2 simultaneous strong squares going on at the same time—and one was being set off by a “crisis degree” (more below)—very volatile. The other involved the historic Jupiter/Saturn conjunction in radical Aquarius forming a square to equally radical Uranus traveling through stubborn Taurus. The conjunction is something new that starts a new cycle of growth; that is challenged by Uranus, which in Taurus loves the status quo.

Often there is a pressure valve somewhere—but not now, so these are unusual times. To help us all get through this, I posted a YouTube video January 5th looking at the advancing storm—or advancing pressure cooker—and you can watch that here. More videos will follow with advice about developing trends, how to cope and what you can do to feel better.

If you do NOT want to feel better, consider watching this video of yesterday’s mayhem at the US Capitol. The footage is raw, unfiltered—it is from RT (Russia), so, a traditional enemy but probably a reliable source if you want the unvarnished look.

It is unnerving and so deeply saddening to see the Capitol be sullied, cracked, broken, disrespected, fouled……And, looking at the astrology of the moment—this is the culmination of the worst of a Mars in Aries square a Saturn, Pluto and Jupiter conjunction. That was the enduring celestial phenomenon of 2020. It was in orb for 5 months and 2 days, ending just before Christmas—the plan (Capricorn) to battle (Aries) was in the making for months.

Let us now analyze and explore the star chart above:

Warrior Mars in fighting Aries at 29 degrees, is at the very end of it’s run—going out in a blaze of glory. In astrology 29 degrees of any sign is a crisis degree—a planet poised at this degree is about to flip to the next Zodiac sign, and at this delicate point contains all the lessons it has learned in it’s current trip through it’s current sign. It’s also a crisitunity degree—a crisis can have a positive outcome. We do have planets going in and out of signs all the time so 29 cannot always be a crisis, right, but the likelihood is higher for a planet that is just volatile by definition: Mars. Forceful Mars has been in Aries for over 5 months—a normal run for the Red Planet is 2 months—due to being retrograde: it was with us during the heated presidential campaign, the debates, the election, the absurd legal challenges to the election and now this assault on our country.

Yesterday at 29 degrees, Mars formed a square—a challenge—to 3 planets in authoritarian Capricorn: ruthless power-hungry Pluto, social media savvy Mercury and free-will Sun. Capricorn rules governments, institutions and cops. Aries and Capricorn are 2 of the 4 signs of the Zodiac that want to start something—in this case, when they square each other, they usually want to start a fight. Aries wants to move ahead unrestrained, no questions asked to get what it wants; Capricorn wants to identify and work towards a goal (that will earn responsible and substantial income)—Cappy does not like the rash and brazen way Aries does business. They move in the same way, but have different agendas.

Moving on….Mercury—ruler of all media—is key in yesterday’ events. The President’s Twitter, Facebook and Instagram accounts are all now locked. Chatty Mercury is in the sign of authority, as is rapacious Pluto—this is a power-hungry combination that wants control of speech. The Sun amplifies this power-grabbing impulse—the Sun is a symbol of free-will, but in this case may be speaking to the free-will of those in authority and who own the media. The President and the media together stoked anger and pitted American against American in the past 4 years—now it is about to blow as they continue to manipulate this anger. And blow it will—with this current constellation of energy, there is nowhere for this anger to go except to pop. There are no flowing, harmonious aspects to act as pressure valve. Expect more shocks in the next few weeks—especially shocks that impact our national security.

At the same time that Mars, Pluto, Mercury and the Sun were locked in their epic battle, another challenging square was taking place yesterday—this time not with Zodiac signs that want to start things, but with signs that like to get stuck in things. Expansive Jupiter and rigid Saturn—remember the Christmas star?—are now conjunct in fanatical Aquarius for the first time since circa 1405. These 2 planets are insisting on a new social order—right now they are locked in a tight square with Uranus, in status-quo loving Taurus. Neither wants to budge. This square is parked on top of two sensitive national security points: the first is Joe Biden’s natal moon, which is at about 1 degree of Taurus, and the progressed moon of the USA, which is at about 1 degree of Aquarius. There are national security implications with these developments.

This is likely the start of more censorship. Yesterday’s riot will be likely be used by the incoming Biden/Harris administration as a justification for more social control—many well-meaning but misguided Americans want a return to the establishment of norms (Taurus) and will support this. But with exciting, radical Uranus in Taurus there will be no return to the old ways. We will all, instead, have to endure more barricades, obstacles and delays when we visit D.C.

When the astrology is dynamic, I say fasten your seatbelts. This energy is beyond dynamic, though. I say find a flak jacket and somewhere to hunker down, even if all you got is a blanket fort. At least you will be comfy. Taurus loves creature comforts!